Marta Matamala
I finished my studies in Environmental Sciences and my master’s degree in Oceanography. My interest in nature have made me take the step to start a PhD on biogeography and macroecology. I will try to explain the biodiversity distributions of our planet through the use of climate models, spatial data (GIS) and programming (RStudio).
Current projects
Name of the project: “Paleo en el Barrio: Ciencia de proximidad”. 3rd edition.
Proyecto FECYT FCT-23-19134.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where project took place: MNNC-CSIC and UVigo.
Funding entity: FECYT.
Co-PI: A. Oliver, R. de Iriarte and T. Gallego.
Type of participation: team member
Start-End date: 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2025.
Total amount: 96,450 €.
Name of the project: Cuantificando la pérdida de información del registro fósil (LOST).
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: UVigo.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
PI: S. Varela.
Type of participation: Predoc researcher.
Start-End date: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025.
Total amount: 45,000 €
Name of the project: Mapping cradles and graves. H2020-ERC-2020-STG-947921.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Mapas Lab, UVigo.
Funding entity: H2020-ERC-2020.
PI: S. Varela.
Type of participation: Predoc researcher.
Start-End date: 01/06/2020- 30/11/2025.
Total amount: 1.499.924 €.