About us
Exploring Earth's Evolution: Unraveling the story of life
We use big paleontological data to address fundamental questions in biogeography and ecology, bridging the gap between palaeontology and spatial sciences and charting new territories for understanding the Earth’s evolutionary history.
Our context
Diversity stands as the most important asset of life on Earth. Since Darwin and Mendel, our understanding of how diversity is selected and inherited has expanded. Yet, fundamental questions such as, where and why biodiversity originates, spread and vanishes persist.
Our aim is to unravel the spatial and temporal distribution of species and to explore how past climatic fluctuations and geographical context influence the evolution and extinction of species.
A new focus
Unlike traditional paleontological perspectives that primarily emphasize temporal dynamics, we adopt a spatial lens. By leveraging data from diverse taxonomic groups, we delve into overarching ecological and biogeographic questions.